Uses: It has traditionally been used in skin and hair care for many hundreds of years. It is good for acne, dermatitis, eczema and varicose veins. It is also said to help promote healthy hair, combat dandruff and head lice. It is very good for treating tired, stiff and overworked muscles and therefore is excellent for sports people are those involved in very physical work. It can also help with gout, water retention and poor circulation. The piercing quality of Rosemary makes it valuable for respiratory problems ranging from the common cold, catarrh, sinusitis through to asthma. For these it is best to use it as a steam inhalation. Rosemary is an excellent tonic for the heart, liver and gallbladder and helps to lower the cholesterol levels in the blood. It has been described as the middle-aged executive’s best friend. (Diet and lifestyle need to be taken seriously as well!) Mixes well with: Lavender, Citronella, Thyme, Basil, Pine, Peppermint, Cedarwood, Petitgrain, Cinnamon and other spice oils.
How to use essential oils: Use in a burner, humidifier/diffuser by adding a few drops to water. Use in inhalation with a steam vaporiser or put on a handkerchief/tissue on the pillow. Place a few drops in a warm bath. Use in a Foot Spa or Jacuzzi. Dilute in carrier oil or cream base and apply directly onto the skin.